New trustees have now been appointed for the next 5 years. They are: Brian
McDonald, Rudolph Stachow, Peter Gillespie, Steven Waters, Gordon Waters,
Craig Willoughby and Brian James.
These members have been now received Certificates of Achievement in recognition
of successful completion of the Crown Land Reserve Trust Induction Program.
The AGM and first meeting of the new Trust has been held, on 9th October
2014. Office Bearers elected are
President: R Stachow ,
Secretary/Treasurer: Brian McDonald
Groundsman: Craig Willoughby
Maintenance: Steven Waters
Web Site: Gordon Waters
Items discussed were…
Awaiting further gravel for the roadway into the Recreation Ground.
Possibility of a Website outlining useful information, use, fees etc.
Looking into a stainless steel urinal for the men’s toilet.
Fencing on the eastern side of the ground.
Temporary Licence Agreements